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Mercury in Retrograde Stretch Bracelet

Mercury in Retrograde Stretch Bracelet

* 6mm genuine selenite, onyx and amethyst gemstones

* Stretch bracelet

* Handmade (& reiki charged/cleansed) in the UK

* Ready for gifting

* Free UK delivery within 3-5 working days


Selenite = pure white light encapsulated in physical form and is a must-have for every spiritual practitioner. knows no boundaries when it comes to the restoration of our own auric field and spiritual body. slices through the air cleansing and recharging any environment it's placed in. a favourite stone to help remove negative energies that may have been picked up throughout daily routines. Meditating with a piece over your third eye or crown chakra will allow you to raise your own awareness and intuition levels. To get the most out of your Selenite, try having a piece on you each day, in addition to on your bedside each night! This mineral holds no negative energy and can cleanse and recharge your favourite stones and your personal auric field.


Onyx is a stone that offers up powerful vibrations of protection, strength, focus, and willpower. This stone is here to continuously push you forward in your life. By activating your root, solar plexus, and third eye chakras, one is able to fully ground themselves to Earth. Not only will Onyx give you a jolt of energy to get up and start pursuing your dreams, but also protect you on your new journey. Simply carrying this stone or wearing Onyx daily will provide a shield around ones aura, refusing to allow negative energy to attach itself to you.


Amethyst is a multidimensional stone that offers a range of energetic uses. Its protective bubble helps one maintain mental clarity and physical energy. We recommend starting your meditations with gratitude while offering yourself up to the purple rays from this remarkable stone. Begin channeling your own energy with that of Amethyst's and remind your auric field to accept the love around you. As you work with this stone, one will feel a sense of warmth and gratitude surrounding them. This is due to them knowing that they are finally in a safe place where they can feel once again. Amethyst allows our consciousness to connect with energies at a much higher frequency than we would normally each day. Most of these energies are multidimensional and can assist one in raising their own personal intuitive levels. This is vital for anyone looking to release the daily weight and stress that we place on ourselves. In the moment, one is simply looking for comfort rather than evolving (especially on a spiritual level). With Amethyst's energies, one's intuition awakens and moves to the forefront of your mind. In the moment, we may not know what exactly is right for us, but that feeling within (and that thought that cannot be shaken) is always our consciousness making the right decision. This ability separates those who are willing to grow and accept change and those who cannot undergo stress and discomfort.


**Your bracelet will be cleansed and charged prior to being packaged for you**

**All gemstones that I work with are natural and genuine, sometimes Mother Nature adds some tonal variation**

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