Tranquility Gemstone Bracelet | LepidoliteMoon
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Tranquility Gemstone Bracelet

Tranquility Gemstone Bracelet

* 6mm genuine larimar, kunzite, lepidolite and chrysocolla gemstones

* Stretch bracelet

* Handmade (& reiki charged/cleansed) in the UK

* Ready to gift

* Free UK delivery within 3-5 working days


* Carries the energy of ethereal peace by raising consciousness and empowering choice


* Diffuses negativite nervous energy and pops the bubble of emotional debris

* Detatches emotional hooks and claws caught in the heart 


* soothes the mind
* secures tranquility by the ability to withdraw and impart your own truth


**Your bracelet will be cleansed and charged prior to being packaged for you**


**All gemstones that I work with are natural and genuine, sometimes Mother Nature adds some tonal variation**

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