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night terrors bracelet on grey wood background

Night Terrors & Night Mares Disorder Gemstone Bracelet

* 6mm genuine lepidolite, amethyst, aquamarine, and sodalite gemstones

* Stretch bracelet

* Handmade (& reiki charged/cleaned) in the UK

* Ready to gift


Sleep terrors are episodes of screaming, intense fear and flailing while still asleep. Also known as night terrors, sleep terrors often are paired with sleepwalking. Like sleepwalking, sleep terrors are considered a parasomnia — an undesired occurrence during sleep. A sleep terror episode usually lasts from seconds to a few minutes, but episodes may last longer.


* protective against harm (nightmares &  night terrors)
* resonates with dream stage of sleep
* helps relieve insomnia
* benefits understanding & remembering dreams
* dispels negative feelings


* brings order & calm t the mind
* encourages rational thought
* helps us to verbalise feelings


* reduces stress & depression
* promotes peaceful dreams
* reduces chances of experiencing night terrors
* brings deep emotional healing
* releases old behavioural & psychological patterns


* stone of courage
* reduces stress
* calms overactive minds
* supports through difficult times
* soothes fears & worries


** Your bracelet will be cleansed and charged prior to being packaged for you**

** Please keep this bracelet out of reach from very young children, as it may cause a choking hazard if placed in the mouth**

**All gemstones that I work with are natural and genuine, sometimes Mother Nature adds some tonal variation**

**This bracelet is not intended to replace medical aid, but rather as a complementary aid that works with standard 'western' medical help**

    VAT Included
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