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"How Can Selenite/Satin Spar Crystals Enhance Your Healing Journey?"

Updated: Dec 16, 2024

If you've been with us since the very first blog post then you'll know that we've already focussed on Selenite (also known as satin spar), but for this one we're going to take another look at this truly amazing crystal. Selenite is pure white light encapsulated in physical form and is a must-have for every spiritual practitioner.

a mix of selenite wands, towers and bowl on a black marble background

Selenite is a major powerhouse in the crystal world, together we'll explore just how amazing and versatile it really is.

The immense energies of Selenite knows no boundaries when it comes to the restoration of our own auric field and spiritual body. Selenite slices through the air cleansing and recharging any environment it's placed in. It is one of our favourite stones to help remove negative energies that may have been picked up throughout our daily routines. Meditating with a piece over your third eye or crown chakra will allow you to raise your own awareness and intuition levels. Simply put, the expansion effect translates past our own realm and into the dimensions of the dream world. Thoughts, ideas, and visions become clearer, consciously and subconsciously, while awake and asleep.

These invocations directly affect our day-to-day life and can push us into a direction that alters the course of our life path for the greater good. To get the most out of your Selenite, try having a piece on you each day, in addition to on your bedside each night! This mineral holds no negative energy and is a tool that can cleanse and recharge your favourite stones and your personal auric field. To achieve this cleansing capability, place the stones you’ve most recently worked with or purchased near or on your Selenite piece and invoke purity into your crystal armory.

Expands your consciousness and soaks you in the light of inner peace, selenite is rich in its connection to the angelic realm, connecting your crown and soul star chakras, it’s said to be an excellent doorway to the angels and fills you with a lightness that carries over into the body, mind, and soul.

What is Selenite?

Selenite is a variety of crystal from the Gypsum family, most commonly, it is translucent white in colour with its' name coming from the Greek goddess Selene - goddess of the moon.

Properties of Selenite


Seeks to bring yin/yang or hemispheric balance by aligning both sides through the process of manifestation and eradication of imbalance. Selenite promotes the easing of stress and worry along with mental balance.


As selenite is a high vibrational crystal, when working on the chakra, selenite aids the acceleration of spiritual growth by multi-targeting not just one but three chakras: the third eye chakra, crown chakra and the lesser talked about 8th chakra, the soul star chakra.


known most commonly as a stone of peace, tranquillity and calmness, selenite loves anything that promotes the advancement of spiritual growth. Selenite provides enlightenment in the form of the 'bigger picture', aiding with insight and wisdom from above the human plane, and aiding with communicating with the angelic realm.

Selenite Wands

These wands are often referred to as 'liquid light' and even better, they are the most natural and unrefined variety of selenite having had hardly any man-made work done to their appearance. Selenite wands are energy conductors, easy to start using; making them perfect for beginners up to qualified energy healers.

Natural selenite wands take centuries to form making the larger versions more expensive than the smaller options, but that's not to say that bigger is better when using selenite as even the smaller options pack a punch when it comes to healing work.

Uses of selenite wands include auric cleansing - do this simply by running the wand over the aura and allow the wand to do its' thing, scanning for imbalances or negative energy to be rebalanced. Smaller/flatter pieces of selenite can be placed beneath your pillow while it works on the subconscious whilst you sleep.

large specimen selenite in a cluster


Planet – Moon

Zodiac – Gemini/Cancer

Elements – Wind

Chakras – Etheric/Crown/Third Eye


Retrograde, Clarity, protection, Meditation, Clearing, Purification, Cleansing, Clairvoyance, Dispelling Negative Energies, Aura Cleansing, Chakra Cleansing, Inner peace

Final Thoughts...

How do I cleanse my other gemstones with Selenite?

The high intuitive nature of these crystals means that selenite can be used to cleanse and charge other gemstones. Put simply, place your other gemstones like your LepidoliteMoon bracelet on top of your selenite for a few hours or overnight for easiness and let the high vibrational energy of selenite do the rest. Charging plates and bowls can be used for more items to be cleansed at once as similarly a large wand can for bracelets.


Kiri xx


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